07 October 2012

Is America Ready for a President Who Has Never Been Drunk?

Is America Ready for a President Who Has Never Been Drunk?

Dubaya was one thing - the man used to drink, way too much, and so decided to quit drinking. That I understand, even respect. But Romney has never been drunk, and so much of American history and culture can be traced back to alcohol ... can we survive a president who will steadfastly refuse to have a drink?

At the end of his first year in office, he may very well look like one of the (sadly many) Trinity undergrads whose heads I had to hold above toilet bowls:

"Second, the presidency is a stressful job. If the president has never smoked, drank, or used curse words, his first hundred days may end up being like freshman year of college. The White House RA may find Romney passed out on the floor in a pool of his own throw up because he wasn't able to handle the stress."

A reasonable concern, indeed! I also like this observation: "America also makes a lot more sense if you are drunk. For example, why are birth rates the highest in states where the obesity rates are the highest? Until you have been drunk, and lonely, and get unlimited mass texting on your phone, you will never know the answer."

Though I can understand why Mitt Romney (and his fellow Mormons) may never want to know the answer to that particular conundrum ...

Article by Will Newman, and published by the Huffington Post

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