09 July 2012

Greetings and Salutations!

Welcome to my blog, glad you could make it. I'll be posting whatever random links I come across during my daily procrastination from writing and research, as well as the ideas that rush into my brain while reading them. Definitely not promising that you'll get any earth-shattering revelations or great ideas from this blog, but if at the very least you're entertained, or better yet, provoked to think about the topic a bit more, then I'm happy.

Not gonna lie - I kvetch. A lot. A seemingly endless series of kvetching, in fact. Many people I know see it as my defining character trait, which I'm pretty sure isn't meant as a compliment. But here's the rub - in my own estimation I'm actually a pretty happy person, and I really enjoy my life. My attitude behind my kvetching is this: if this is what I'm complaining about, then I have it pretty damn good.

That's where the blog title comes from, by the way - back in college, when I really was an unhappy person (and worse, I kinda knew it), I would refer to myself as "A Brooklynite in Exile", which I liked then (as now) as a moniker. But things have changed quite a bit since I was a mopey freshman, so if I were to write a response to my 18 year old self, it would be this: "If I am in fact a Brooklynite in exile, then I gotta say ... its been a damn fine exile."


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