27 September 2012

He Doesn't Even Need to Try

It's pretty clear that this video sunk Romney's campaign, which was failing in the water already. Sure, seeing that Obama is going to win makes me feel great, and optimistic about America's future ... but something about this ad, and the contest it symbolizes, bothers me.

Aside of the relentless attacks, false claims, ridiculous sound bites, and the fact that we've had a presidential campaign that lasted almost two years, I mean. 

Mainly, Obama didn't even need to try. There was no national debate about the truly major issues facing our country, no subtlety, no serious discussion of what direction the States is going in, whether in terms of domestic goals, or foreign policy, not to mention the massive culture war that is going on. People chose out of fear of the other side, and never really listened to what either candidate had to say. It really doesn't bode well when there isn't an effective opposition in government, either - which is precisely what the Republicans have become. An ineffectual opposition, concerned with ... well, I'm not really sure. In fact, I'm not sure what either the Democrats or the Republicans stand for, except to say "we're not them!"

I'm not going to wax nostalgic for "the good ol' days", because of course politics is always a dirty business. But a one-party state isn't a good idea, either - complacency is the death of any state, and I definitely don't want that.

My Brain Hates ... Me? Or Was It Another Guy?

A Cracked article following in the fine tradition of Cracked.com in pointing out precisely how our body and mind screws with us; specifically, through the formation of bad habits.

Sitting here at 3am, it's clear that #5 is especially dangerous for graduate students - "Your Brain Thinks Your Future Self Is a Different Person"

If this is the case, then not only does my present self not want my future self to have a good night sleep (so you know, I'm writing this at 3am), it apparently also hates my future self.

What a coincidence! As it so happens, my future self (soon to be my contemporary self) hates my past self, too. Everybody wins!

This really reminds me of the Calvin & Hobbes comic, where Calvin attempts, through time travel, to convince his future self that he should do his homework - but the future Calvin convinces him that his past self is the one to blame. Of course, they all end up fighting (and thus hurting each other), and 3 versions of Hobbes get the last laugh.

"5 Ways Your Brain Tricks You Into Sticking With Bad Habits" was written by Dennis Hoag and published by Cracked.com

Comic image is from Calvin & Hobbes, copyright Bill Watterson, and presented courtesy of the Calvin & Hobbes Wiki

25 September 2012

Obama is NOT Getting My Vote!

.... to be the next antichrist. As Soren Bowie explains:

"Needless to say, those of us who expected Obama to reveal himself as the beast of sorrow and despair are more than a little disappointed. Instead, we got universal health care and environmental protection acts. And now he has the nerve to ask for another four years to get everything done. Yeah right, Barry. If you're not going to take this seriously, we'll wait for the next antichrist, thank you very much."

Read the article, it's quick, and very funny. 

 Article written by Soren Bowie, and published by Cracked.com

24 September 2012

Jamaica Bay Is Rising!

City and Federal Officials Will Jointly Manage Jamaica Bay

Awesome news from this past July - Jamaica Bay is a wonderful and beautiful place, and deserves greater awareness and dedication from the government. Lord knows it already has the individual dedication -  right, Dad?

The Declining American Empire?

Today were two articles in the NY Times' Op-Ed discussing the recent outbreak of anti-American feelings in the Middle East, dealing heavily with the "Innocence of Muslims" video. The first article uses Salman Rushdie and the laughter associated with the Newsweek cover 'Muslim Rage' to point out why we really need to simply stand our ground:

The Satanic Video

While another article points out why the US needs to become accustomed to the fact of its status as a declining empire:

America's Inevitable Retreat From the Middle East

I agree with the idea that the US should not apologize for its culture - I actually agreed with what Romney said, that we should stand for our way of life. Unfortunately, he said it with crappy rhetoric and the worst timing possible. Freedom of Speech is one of the best defenses against tyranny, and we should not give it up, or turn our backs on it, simply because some people get pissed off by it. Obama's response was diplomatic, to be sure, but I would have liked it to include a small explanation about how American society functions - and that the government cannot (and absolutely should not) shut down freedom of expression, even if the persons in question are idiots.

The second article was inevitable - since 9/11, everyone has enjoyed pointing out that the American Empire is on its way towards collapse. This has included me on occasion, I admit. It definitely includes everyone in the Univ. of Toronto History Department - which is rather amusing, given how much Canada benefits from American imperialism, but I digress. The author makes a comparison between the evacuation of Saigon in 1975 with the US' withdrawal from Libya - except it doesn't work. The US retreated from Vietnam because there was no strategic reason to be there, except stop the "spread of Communism" - which by then we had realized was never going to be the case. Vietnam had no economic benefit to require an American presence - while the Middle East definitely does. That was why we went into Iraq, and why we will continue to maintain a visible presence in the Middle East for decades to come, with the accompanying cost. The author is right, however, in stating that the US has really screwed up in the Muslim world during the past 20 years, and clearly pointed out the folly of following colonialist imperialism in a post-colonial world.

What I like about Obama in regards to foreign policy is his willingness to follow different models to enable American success - but those different models should not include apologies for free speech or other protected American rights.

Salman Rushdie really put it best when he was on the Daily Show last week - the US needs to stand up for its intellectuals and artists, regardless of how good (or bad) they are. Further, John Oliver made a funny point that the Muslim world is the same today as Christianity was 600 years ago - the latter got out of it eventually, and the former will do the same. We may never see Mohammed depicted on a box of Wheaties or in a sliced tomato, but every religion gets a sense of humor eventually. We just have to be patient, stand up for ourselves when necessary, and cooperate - while never forgetting that we forged an American Empire for a damn good reason.

"The Satanic Video" was written by Bill Keller, and published by the New York Times. "America's Inevitable Retreat From the Middle East" was written by Pankay Mishra and also published by the NYT.